Dec 16, 2018 | Apple Watch, Health
ECG on the Apple Watch You might save your life using the ECG on the Apple Watch Series 4.Using the ECG app, you can detect irregular heart rhythms that can be life threatening. Since you are always wearing your Apple Watch, if you ever feel that something is not...
Nov 20, 2018 | Health, iPhone
Stay Healthy with the Shortcuts App in iOS 12! iOS 12 Shortcuts App and Health The Shortcuts app lets you create shortcuts to simplify tasks that normally require multiple steps. A good example of this would be entering your weight into the Health app. Using the...
Oct 31, 2018 | Accessories, Fitness, Health, iPhone, Nutrition
Track Body Composition with the iPhone Tracking Body Composition This blog post is the second in a two-part series. In the first post, we covered how to track weight with the iPhone. This post will cover tracking your body composition. If you want a more accurate...
Oct 10, 2018 | Fitness, Health, iPhone, Nutrition
Track Weight with the iPhone How do you track weight with the iPhone? Do you want to lose weight? Or, perhaps you want to bulk up your muscles? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you will want to track your weight and body composition with your...
Sep 17, 2018 | Apple Watch, Fitness, Health, iPhone
Apple’s New Health and Fitness Features Health Related Features in iOS 12 and WatchOS 5 Apple’s new Health and fitness features are being released today! iOS 12 and Watch OS 5 are being officially released today, September 17, 2018. Orders are already...
Jul 31, 2018 | Health, Nutrition
Lemon Water in the Morning Lemon water in the Morning? A bit of my story Although I am 5 foot 11 inches tall, the 22 pounds that I quietly gained over 2-3 years could no longer be hidden. I went from wearing a size 8-10 to nearly a size 16. The extra weight felt heavy...
Apr 17, 2018 | Health, iPhone
Emergency Access to Medical ID in the Health App Emergency Access to Medical ID in the Health App The Health App on your iPhone allows you to define a Medical ID. The Medical ID contains your personal information (name, date of birth), emergency contacts, and medical...
Jan 16, 2018 | Apple Watch, Fitness, Health, iPhone
Introduction to Health & Fitness on the iPhone and Apple Watch Introduction In the last few years, the Apple Watch has become a powerful health and fitness device that can help you on your journey to become healthier and more fit. While the Apple Watch is your...